As shared by a Brazilian user who’s under this testing, Instagram will only show the first three Stories slides and hides the rest. Though viewers can click on Show All button to watch the rest, they may better skip avoiding watching useless content.

A New Story Layout on Instagram

Realizing that users are posting everything they experience in their daily lives as static posts, Instagram introduced Stories to avoid junk. Stories are an interesting concept, where anything users post disappears after 24 hours. But this too is being exploited by users for bad. Knowing that they disappear after a day, people are posting random things that are mostly unnecessary, filling their followers’ feed with junk again. Thus, Instagram is seen testing a new Story Layout, that’d limit this type of behavior.

— Phil Ricelle (@philricelle) May 17, 2022 As shared by a Brazilian who’s under this testing group, the new layout will show only the first three Stories to the viewers and hides the rest behind a Show All button. So, anyone who find the content from the first three slides uninteresting and feels the rest slides be relating to that can skip the entire Story of that creator for good. Currently, Instagram allows users to post upto 100 slides in a Story, so that’s a lot of junk if someone uses it regularly. May Instagram change this limit to redefine the Stories. While it’s known by a user from Brazil, Instagram may be testing this layout in other regions too. It that’s the case, creators on the platform have to be extra careful in uploading their Stories. They need to be more selective, or else lose the community’s interest with spammy Story feeds, which aren’t liked on my Instagram too.

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