Optimizing the product list can improve your product’s ranking in search results so that more potential customers can find your ads. Paying more attention to your ads can lead to more sales. Every time you set a “price” for a product, check the competition for all the same products. The one with the biggest price difference will never win. Always try to beat or match the prices of competitors. Reduce the price to an unreasonable amount and throw away the fish. The price of the product is actually one of the decisive performance factors to help you make a purchase decision. It does not have to be very expensive compared to the products offered by your competitors in the market, as it will reduce your sales. dramatic.

Sales speed

In addition to effective SEO strategies, you can also increase sales speed through pay-per-click (PPC)improve customer ratings, advertising campaigns, and analyze product conversion rates.

Conversion rate

As a seller, you are motivated to offer competitive prices to achieve high conversion rates and thus rank higher on the results page. Increasing your conversion rate is a great way for newbies in the market to drive out other products. The list is not so effective in terms of conversion.

Competitor Analysis

Try to identify your target market with pictures

If you sell baby towels or any baby products, you need to add a smiling baby and a mother to the picture. I just give an idea; of course, you can think of better things.