The same people had put Microsoft at the top for “Best Company of 2021”, and tagged Facebook for the opposite. Also, 30% of them believed that Facebook can actually redeem its negativity by doing some good things.

A Bad Year For Facebook

Facebook, now Meta, had a bad run this year. From regular allegations of user privacy and platform security to a dog fight with Apple over new tracking policies, Facebook has had enough to attract negativity from the public. All these gave the company a title as “Worst Company of 2021”, as per a survey made by Yahoo Finance. Yahoo does a typical survey every year to determine the “Best Company” of that particular year but added finding the opposite title too this year. While Facebook was chosen as the worst one by over 1,000 respondents, Microsoft was chosen to be the Best Company by the same group, for this year. And when a question asked that whether Facebook can redeem itself from its bad position, over 30% voted yes for that! Also Read- Facebook Image Search – Find Profile from a Picture And this could be done in many ways, like being more transparent or sharing the company’s profits for public causes. While this is least likely to happen, Facebook has amassed enough hate from the public to attain the worst corp badge. The company has countered Apple’s App Tracking Transparency policy earlier, arguing that it will degrade the value for small advertising businesses on its platform. In reality, Apple’s policy gives more power and control to iPhone and iPad users to tune the targeted advertising against them. Also, Instagram is said to be demoralizing teens through various means, and heavily impacting their social lives. Plus, Facebook faces regulatory checks for alleged sharing of data with third-party apps. Though it rebranded itself as Meta citing to align with its future Metaverse aspirations, experts say it is to sidetrack the public’s negative opinions from the parent company.

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